Monday, July 26, 2010

Open Adoption

Today someone asked me about "that adorable little girl on my facebook".
I explained how i have a little girl who i place for adoption.
Another of my cashiers joe, asked me about it when we werent standing in the center isle.
It really hit home today.
Talking about the connection there is with josh & lizzy.
& how much they are just like close friends.
It hit me hard to talk about how great i have it.
What a wonderful blessing this has been.
I cant type about it now but cause it makes me cry,
but Thank You Josh & Liz. Thank You, Youve made my heart ache less & been fabulous to me. I love you guys.

& i miss the girl like mad.


Jordann said...

I love that i placed my little girl and wouldnt change it for the world i know how you feel and even though it is a hard thing to do ya just know its the right thing.

Audra Owens said...

Girl you haven't blogged in close to two months! Don't you know that's again the rules?