Saturday, April 30, 2011

Introduce Yourself with Pictures & Words

These pictures are who I am.

Not in any certian order.

Josh & Lizzy.

The Parents to Our Mara.

I dont know who I would be without Our Girl.

She forever changed me, & who I am forever.My

My Andy.
We met in high school, dated for a minute.
than the social network brought us back together.
He came into my life right after Mara.
He accepts me, Loves Kristofer, & loves me most importantly.
When I placed Mara our Birth Mom group was 3.
These 2 amazing woman placed babies the same time I did.
They were my support.

My babies.

Kristofer will forever be my baby, he may not like it,

but Im his mother, what do you expect.

Andee Kae is my Princess.

This sums me up in one simple picture! T-shirt, jeans, baby chucks, & the tutu, because I am a Princess. Well now I am the Queen and Andee Kae is the Princess, but thats a whole different post.

All these people make me Me.

They are the reason I am who I am.


Katt said...
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Rachael Papes said...

Where are the sparkle flip flops/no work shoes?! baby chucks.... You better wear those to work....